Tag Archives: spark

The Stars Dealer


I have always been fascinated with stars. I can’t really explain the reason behind it, or this enormous feeling I get when I look up at the night sky. I suppose it’s all very typical for the human being to be fascinated with all that is beyond our knowledge, what is beyond our world and the Universe is itself one big question.

I’ve read about people that feel small looking at the stars above them. That feel like a very tiny bit of this whole wide infinity. People that realize how little they matter. How unimportant their lives go by, like the blink of an eye. I don’t.

Looking up at those shining bits of light, I feel so important. I look up and lose that sense of loneliness, because for a few moments, I feel like time stops, just for me to give time to admire such vast beauty. So, I decided to steal some constellations and store them in my bedroom. Remember those phosphorescent stars you had as a child, glued to the ceiling, to keep nightmares away? I bought a set of those 🙂 Now I have my own private night sky, shining above my head every night.

And honestly it’s the best thing there is.