Tag Archives: films

I believe in books


I made a walk to my favourite library today, because I was feeling sad. I told you about it before, it’s a wonderful place where they sell books and movies nobody has heard about and tea.
I was searching for Never let me go. I didn’t find it. I have it on PDF, but I like reading books, better. Reading on your phone or iPad is different. You’re not so involved anymore.
I like to spend time there. It’s peaceful and there’s nice music playing in the background, and nobody bothers you. And I kept thinking, we speak of this world so much, name it hopeless. The pessimists. But how can we not believe in a world where books are still so powerful? Think that right now, some kid is writing his next novel. Stories are being created, words are being put down on white. This is not a hopeless or forgotten world. Because if there’s one thing I believe in, that’s books. And literature. You have as many lives, as books you read. Maybe the readers will slowly go extinct, but I doubt it. The power of the written word is as strong as ever and no force on this earth can corrupt it.
